We have learned more about Sarah Pailin in a couple of weeks than about Obama in years and despite the supposed scrutiny typical of such a high profile campaign, I did not get all the answers I wanted and I am still wondering who is Senator Obama. Sure, I could use his own biographies to figure out what he is made of, but talk about possible bias and re-written history! He is a politician and I have to assume that as a good and successful politician, he is good at distorting reality and truth to fit his needs.
Also, the mainstream media is obviously so much in love with the phenomenon that investigative journalism has been turned into a thing of the past, replaced by shameless adulation and promotion of the new “Messiah”.
So here I am, a couple of weeks before the elections, still wondering who on earth Barack Obama really is and resorting to known facts, pretty safe allegations and other fact based hypothesis to frame the character of the guy that does not want to be judged by his race while playing all the cards available, race included. That is why he has maybe escaped the traditional treatment of traditional politicians. To question Obama, criticize him, and wonder about his past actions or associations, one must be a racist, right? After all, isn’t he “the one we have been waiting for?” So maybe before asking such disturbing and troubling things, just maybe, one should ask himself if it is only because Obama is black.
So I did. Eric, is it because Obama is Black? And I honestly replied to myself: nope!
It is because Obama passes for a saint, a straight arrow, a poor for the poor, a multicultural icon because he is multicultural and other bull I forgot. Also because he is full of himself and tries to convey that image of an anti-Washington knight in a white robe and on a white stallion. Finally it is because of race indeed, because only Democrats and Black civil right activists can talk about him, question affirmative action or call him the N words, unpunished. When other people question him, the outrage and the immediate sentence come: Racist. And I don’t want to be called a racist so I won’t ask, right? Don’t ask, don’t tell- ask, deny!
It was the same thing when I questioned Hillary: male chauvinist pig! What about you guys: anti white geriatrics! I just want him known for what he is because he is a corrupt politician too! Just a new gifted one. Vote him in, but vote him knowing who he is and who’s puppet he is! Who has his hand all the way up, make him talk and move – Morgan, Countrywide, Freddie, Fanny, Goldman, Lawyers, Universities, Healthcare, old Washingtonites”.
The few blogs I animated or visited lead me to look up some of the claims made by supporters of both parties. I started at Wikipedia and pulled the string, Goggling or Yahooing around, names and places, allegations and innuendos.
Here is what I found that could be interesting to ask the candidate of change with the audacity of hope and some fullness of himself (“I am the one we have been waiting for and “We I am”)
Obama: poor, rich or the fruit on entitlement and affirmative action?
He attended the Occidental college in Los Angeles for two years (a small private coeducational liberal arts college, 6% African Americans, Tuitions not available online), Columbia (one year?, $32,000 a year) and Harvard from 1988 to 1991 ($55,000 a year), Ivy league places of higher education by excellence. How did he pay his way through that? Loans and grants? One needs money to borrow money – the mortgage debacle has proven it!)
Obama: Poor for the poor? Rich backed up by the rich – for the poor? (really?) As corrupt as his DC peers? (maybe more?)
His top ten donors by industry include lawyers and law firms (his peers), securities and investment (his historical piggy bank), Business services, Real Estate (a house is a right, not a privilege one must work his buns off for and pay for), Universities (Higher education is a right, not a privilege one must work his buns off for and pay for) and Health professional (Health care is a right not a responsibility). Interestingly also, is the fact that for a man of change that wants to separate himself from the business as usual his peers practice in DC, he has been cashing in big from various famous institutions such as Goldman Sachs, City Group, JP Morgan & Chase, Lehman Brothers, and Morgan Stanley. Do some of these names ring a bell? What about Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac? In three years in the Senate, Barack ended up being the top senator benefiting from the two financial institutions largess. I quote: “A review of Federal Election Commission records back to 1989 reveals Obama in his three complete years in the Senate is the second largest recipient of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae campaign contributions, behind only Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., the powerful chairman of the Senate banking committee. Dodd was first elected to the Senate in 1980.”
A question for you guys: do you see any direct link between his top post election priorities and his main contributors? Let’s sit down and think: Send every kid to college and pour more money in education; Healthcare for everybody; rescue the morons who are upside down on their houses or foreclosed with the money of the people who do the right thing every day – Nope, you are right, no conflict of interests there!
Obama: a bright young guy or a political back-alley smart cat?
I quote: “2008 boosted Obama into the position of the most successful presidential fundraiser ever, in addition to this election’s presumptive Democratic nomine”. In November he’ll face Republican John McCain, who has indicated he’ll accept public financing in the general election, while Obama has opted out of the system. He”s the first major-party candidate since the system was created to decline taxpayers’ money for the general election. (Also remember that he pledged not to do that before doing it)
Since it has started, despite the FACT that his top contributors are big corporations, legend had it that small Internet donors made the bulk of the monies – that is exactly how many corporations including Freddie and Fanny have paid Obama – through small contributions from their employees! Genial!
Also remember that Freddie and Fanny were created by the Congressional Democrats and President Clinton (known as government-sponsored entities or GSEs) to make mortgages available to more people, even people who couldn’t afford them! Yes – the same companies that McCain wanted to regulate and that Obama “that one- voted to support. Remember that I quote- “Instead, Democrats in Congress have sought to preserve the quasi-governmental status of the mortgage giants, seeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as places to locate former top Democratic Party operatives, where they have earned millions in compensation, despite a continuing series of financial Enron-like scandals.”
Freddie and Fanny his big small donors!
Obama: a man of change advised and guided by the same old, same old guys he criticizes?
For a man of change targeting every day the way the old corrupt men and women do business in Washington, it is interesting to note that Barack has just hired these same men and woman he attacks to “groom” him, advise him and run his campaign.
Biden is one, of course, part of the very old Washingtonites, part of the problems Obama decries. Biden is such an old icon of D.C that each time Obama attacks McCain on how long he has served, not done anything, perpetuating the same culture of corruption, yada yada – I think of Biden, believe he is talking about his Veep.
Rubin is another interesting fellow! Robert Rubin, is a former Clinton Treasury Secretary who has been touted as a possible appointee to a cabinet post for Senator Obama. Rubin is one of Obama’s economic advisers. Under Clinton, he was the architect of the law that was promoted and passed to kill the regulations put in place on the financial institutions after the great depression (recently Bill Clinton, in a TV interview confessed that he was not so proud of that one). After that he went to support Enron and to work for Citigroup (Obama’s big donor) for $40 million a year to “advise on strategy.”
Paul Volker is another one. He was the financial economist for the Chase Manhattan bank until he joined the Treasury Department in 62. From 1969 to 1974 Mr. Volcker served as under-secretary of the treasury for international monetary affairs and his best achievement was his critical role in the collapse of the Bretton Woods System thanks to his decisions to drop the Gold Convertibility of the US dollar. Logically, after such a good move, he ended up Chairman of the Federal Reserve under Carter in 72. Under Reagan, he is credited for limiting the stagnation of the economy by increasing the inflation, thus leading the country to the serious recession of the early 1980s, which provided for the highest unemployment levels since the Great Depression. He is a member of the G30, an international group of financiers and supports Obama.
James A. Johnson was in charge of digging out a suitable Vice President for Obama Old time Democrat and presidential campaign operative (Mondale, Kerry), he naturally ended up helping out. But Johnson had some embarrassing corpses in his closet, and once exposed, was dumped by an Obama known for quickly severing gangrenous limbs for the safeguard of his message of change and integrity. Johnson got huge freebees from Countrywide (rings another bell?). He is also a board member of KBhome (interesting – they build homes!) and Golden Sachs (rings a bell?). From 85 to 90, he was a director at Lehman Brothers (rings a bell). From 1990 to 1998, he served as Johnson was chairman and chief executive officer of Fanny Mae (91-97), the quasi-public gig setup by leftists utopian and sponsored by greedy financial institutions organization to turn home ownership into a universal right, money or not, good credit or not!
Franklin D. Raines basically took over from Johnson’s job at Fanny May and cashed in the same way selling utopia to suburbia. “The first black man to head a Fortune 500 company.” Has been in and out of Fannie Mae from 91 to 99 were he finally resumed his position as a CEO. In 2004, he took an early retirement and he is still investigated by the Feds for “alleged” accounting frauds such as setting up gimmicks to increase his bonuses (total: $50 million). He also got $3 million in favorable loans from Countrywide. Obama denies he is an advisor but it was reported twice in the Washington Post that he was without any denial by his campaign (July 16th and August 27th).
Obama: tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are!
Reverend Wright: Okay. Obama attended his sermons for 28 years, got married by the man, got his children baptized by him too. He sat there for hours but never realized what kind of Anti-American and black supremacist racist things were going on there. It took some talk radio shows to wake the Messiah up to the realities of the United Church of Christ! (It is not the Wright I knew!)
Paul Ayers: Ayers was one of these pathetic anarchists of the 1970’s. Lived underground, planted bombs, believing he was something else than an idiot. Anyways, Obama and Ayers both lived in the same hood for a while; both worked on political reforms (education) and served on the board of an anti-poverty group committees. Both often had lunch together, Ayers hosted a party for Barack’s first run to Senate, Close relationship? maybe not but one can argue that he maintained a working relationship with a known shady character. You judge, keeping in mind what would have happened to McCain if he had met once the Unabomber?. (It is not the Ayers I knew!)
James Johnson: see above (It is not the Johnson I knew!)
Raines: see above (It is not the Raines I knew!)
Tony Rezko: Rezko is a typical American fundraiser, corrupted to the bone, he corrupts everything he touches, He is currently in jail and about to spill the bean about his dirty financial deals with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich . He has helped make Obama and was his first contributor (Wikipedia: “The first ever political contributions to Obama were $300 from a lawyer, a $5,000 loan from a car dealer, and $2,000 from two food companies owned by Rezko.). In 19997, Obama helped Rezko get more than $14 million in taxpayer funds. From 2003, Rezko raised $14 million for Obama”s U.S. Senate campaign. He threw parties, raised money and Obama has acknowledged that about $250,000 in current campaign contributions came from Rezko. In 2005 Rezko’s wife and Obama purchased adjoining properties from the same sellers in the Kenwood District of Chicago. Obama’s had a house on it and he paid $1.65 million ($300,000 below the asking price!) (It is not the Tony I knew!)
The extreme left fringe of his party: Obama is mostly scary for the crazy extreme leftist minority groups he appeals to. He catered to them (anti war, global warming stances, pro green, anti-rich) but never tried to rein them in when they went on a violent rampage to disrupt the Republican conventions. Cars were burnt, shops looted, delegates beat up, “conventioneers” all ages violently extracted from their buses, denied access to the convention, etc – Do you remember Obama calling his red storm troopers back, or criticizing them?
ACORN “The country’s largest grassroots organization working for the empowerment of low and moderate income people”: The old friends. ACORN has endorsed Barack for president. Obama was forced into disclosing that he has paid ACORN $800,000 to register new voters. Interestingly, in his FEC disclosure, the payments were hidden as payments to a front group called Citizen Services Inc. for “advance work”). Furthermore, Obama was the executive director of ACORN’s voter-registration branch in 1992 and he lead the voter registration program that helped elect Carol Moseley-Braun to the Senate that year. In 1993, Obama sued the state of Illinois for ACORN to implement the federal “Motor Voter law, which the GOP governor of the time refused to implement because it would lead to voter’s fraud.
ACORN is also dedicated to democracy and a universal right to vote for everybody and everything, illegals, dead people and cartoon characters included. The organization is under investigation for nationwide voter’s fraud allegations and one guy came forward stating he registered 72 times for cash and cigarettes – Democracy in action people!
So what will you ask? Well, it is sort of disturbing that all these shady and corrupt characters, businesses, banks or groups, have made or are making Obama’s entourage. They are all making the news today, or have in the past and not for good deeds. What would that tell you about Obama’s judgment? You tell me. I think it is disturbing and I think we deserve clear answers and facts. Actually, and it is true, with such known even remote associations, I could not even apply for the Green card or the citizenship. But he can be your next Prez!
Obama: the ultimate politician: a wind cone blowing with the wind!
Who is Obama? A civil right lawyer for the lawyers, a taxpayer’s money pumping machine for special interest groups, an Illinois mobster groomed by the crooks for the crooks, the left wing socialist nut that appealed to the fringes of his party during the primaries, or the Middle Class conscious middle of the road social-conservative he has become since he won the nomination? He can certainly not pay everybody back. How is he going to be if or when he wins?
Obama: wealth redistribution!
Obama stated recently that he wants to redistribute wealth – do you want that? Of course you do, right? If you are on the receiving hand of social hands out, you want more. Why work your buns off to make a living when you can cry it in as a good victim of the mean society you are? Wealth redistribution is a demagogic gimmick. Rich and poor should pay the same percentile in taxes. The only thing I would mandate would be a tighter control on all the tax evasion schemes, from top to bottom and bottom to the top. If Bill Gates pays 20% taxes on his income, and I do too, I think it is fair. If you don’t pay taxes, as far as I am concerned, just shut up and don’t vote! You want to be a millionaire? Don’t be jealous – become one I guess trampy look? Hollywood! Good at playing with balls? Become a professional player? And many more: write the new worldwide software in your garage, invent gasoline, invent the sticky note, work 200 hours a day, gamble and win, steal it, invest in the right politician come on the land of opportunities – and if you are a free loader, you have the opportunity to move your fat butt off the coach and find a job. Tell you what? Come and compete for mine! It is all yours to grab!
Obama who?
So go ahead – deny, deny, deny and believe that the new Messiah is innocent of all charges and has not done anything wrong, directly or by association. Claim that all his long term dark religious, political or lobby associations are not showing poor judgment and political opportunism but are merely accidents, glitches of his life. Believe if you want that he is by the poor and for the poor and that he will fix all the ills of the universe. Everything I talked to is public information and you just have to Google Obama + a name or a scandal to find tons of data, most of it from legit sources. Pull a string and it will lead you to all these things I have talked about. He might be your next President, so make the effort to go over the nicely polished and carefully crafted image and at least, try to debunk my claims. I Dare you!
The way I see him he is the fruit of affirmative action (but he somehow wants to reclaim the American dream according to his book when is the living proof the dream is still here and well!) He went through expensive college (note that Columbia still refuses to this day to release his records when we know everything about McCain in Annapolis!). He became a “civil right” lawyer, the attack dog fused by law firms or “civil right” organizations to milk the system, enforce social engineering, promote political and social correctness, make tons of money for entitlement programs based on taxpayer’s money. Groomed and trained in Illinois, synonym of corruption, he was made Senator with Rezko’s money and Ayers endorsement. Paid by financial institution, mortgage industry, Universities and health care lobbies, he has surrendered himself with the same exact people he runs his campaign criticizing: shady characters, lawyers, former CEOs of financial groups, mortgage institutions or other special lobbies and old politicians that have been there forever, some known for ruining the country a couple of time. Ultimate sleek political machine, he rebounds each time he his attacked, quickly severs exposed connections to crooks, and comes back all well dressed and well spoken telling us what we want to hear but riding the wave of the same people and special interests that are harming this country, and us.
Should we think of him as a polished and Harvard trained Sharpton or Jackson. Maybe! Look at his life, his achievements, his “civil right” crusades, his goals. Is he innocent, so different from the Washingtonian political machine he belongs to. No!
No past but a big future – You have been warned! So now, just go ahead with your social experiment, blindfolded and naive. Vote Barack! Vote Goldman Sachs, Lehman bro, Countrywide, Fanny and Freddie – vote corrupt CEOs and failed politicians in office. We need more milking of the few that pay taxes and more wealth redistribution and entitlements (rights) toward the majority of the American that believe that the government should provide them with everything.
What on earth has happened to “Don’t ask yourself what the government can do for you”, yada, yada – and “I have a dream that one day my children would be recognized for the force of their character and not the color of yada, yada”. Obama is all about the color and what the government “taxpayers- should do for you. So go ahead freeloaders, the majority! Vote Obama – but always remember that politicians like entitlement programs are voted in by the majority but paid by the few. We hold the strings to the money. Come and get more of my, just try!
Nota for readers with English as a second language: please read, understand and try to debunk. Make your own researches and bring arguments on the table. I don’t give a darn about name calling or empty drive by blogging. Just calling out for the smart one out there who look for a debate!
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